Monday, April 14, 2008

Week 4: Real Simple Syndication

Even though this was supposed to be a very simple task, (and for most people it probably was simple) my first attempt ended up in frustration. I walked away from it and didn't go back for
quite a while. Finally I went back to it last night and managed to subscribe to Powerhouse
Museum's "Picture of the day blog", "ABS for Librarians" "ABC News" and several humour and jokes RSS feeds that I selected from the extensive list available on the "Bloglines".
One can spend absolutely hours and hours looking at what is out there! It really is mind "bloggling"
I am not sure just how useful all that is though, but I can certainly see some potential for using RSS feeds to keep library patrons up to date with events, book lists, library news....
I can also see that people with special interests would find RSS feeds convenient and time saving.

The hardest thing so far has been starting new email accounts and remembering addresses and passwords. I think I need a separate address book for this course!

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